2 Minute Pick-Me-Up

Recently I was in a yoga class and the instructor invited us to conclude the practice with a loving-kindness meditation. We were asked to place our hands our on heart and close our eyes. Then she said the following:

May I be happy
May I be radiantly healthy
May I continue to grow and change
May I feel loved and supported

A few tears rolled down my cheeks and I breathed deeply. I realized in that moment that it is not often that I take the time to wish myself well. It felt good, and I left the class feeling softer.

So, today I invite you, caregivers, to do the same. Take two minutes for yourself. Sit somewhere comfortable and say those words out loud to yourself. Now, how do you feel?

Cassandra Van Dyck

When forgiveness becomes key

Caring for your parents is not always easy, and it can become all the more complicated and challenging if you hold any feelings of resentment or disappointment towards them because of how you were treated in childhood. This post gives caregivers some suggestions for navigating and coping with this type of situation.

North Van Caregivers

Resentful. Disappointed. Angry.  Irritated.
Some of these words might describe how you feel about one or both of your parents. Perhaps Mum and Dad were neglectful of your needs in childhood, or even downright abusive on an emotional or physical level. You might have felt disregarded or diminished by their communication with you.  It may also be that childhood was a largely positive time for you, and during adulthood you encountered major conflict with your parents.  Feeling angry, resentful or disappointed with your Mum and Dad can make the caregiving role even more complicated. The issue of having negative emotions towards parents is one to be brought into the open, as it’s more common for family caregivers than you may realize.
When Dad suddenly needs help in managing his daily routines because of memory loss, you are likely to feel challenged by stepping into this supportive role. That is completely…

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Emotional First-Aid for Caregivers (EFAC): Self-Care

Over the past few years, “self-care” has become a sort of buzz word that some caregivers may roll their eyes at. Beauty companies and spas use the term regularly in their advertising, in hopes of coaxing tired clients to buy their products of pay for their services. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with treating yourself to a new lipstick or a massage – sometimes it can be just what you need to brighten your day. The problem is that self-care is often associated with spending money or as something that only those lucky enough to “have time” can do. This belief can prevent caregivers from making the time to practice self-care, which really is just that: taking care of yourself.

You’ve heard it before: “You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” Making sure that you can filling your own cup first will help you to be a better caregiver, parent, partner, or friend. How you fill your cup will be different for everyone, and it’s important to tune in to what makes you feel grounded, healthy and happy.

For myself, I know that I need to practice four different aspects of self-care in order to care for my loved ones with a clear head and heart. If you’re unsure of what you need, this may give you some ideas:

Exercise. I need to sweat, increase my heart rate and use my muscles 2-3 times a week. Currently, I hike, practice yoga, and get to the gym for circuit training. When I’m not exercising regularly, I feel lethargic, unmotivated, and stiff.

Sleep. I need 7-8 hours of quality sleep to feel my best. When I don’t sleep well, I am irritable, unfocused, overly emotional, and tend to consume more sugar and caffeine, which likely doesn’t help my other symptoms!

Connection. I must connect with someone at least once a week who knows me well. This can be a phone conversation, or even an email. The important part is that I’m able to really talk about how I’m doing and feel heard. When I don’t connect with someone on this deeper level, I feel lonely.

Creativity. It’s not a stretch to say that I’m a creative person. I write, play the guitar and sing, and have recently been experimenting with all things textile related (knitting, weaving, sewing, and natural dying). I need time in my week to explore these passions, even if it’s just an hour or two. When I don’t take the time, I feel listless.

As mentioned, these four acts of self-care are what I need to feel good, but they might look quite different for you. It should also be noted that I do not always exercise 2-3 times a week, sleep 7-8 hours a night, connect with someone who knows me well or make time to practice my passions. What I have learned, however, is to ask myself why when I’m feeling lethargic, or irritable, lonely, or listless. The answer is usually that I have not been making the time to practice self-care. I know then to ensure I fit these important things in. Sometimes this means cancelling plans or asking someone else to help out, and that can be hard. If I start beating myself up over not being able to do everything I thought I could, I take a deep breath and practice self-compassion. I remind myself that self-care is not selfish – that it’s quite the opposite. Taking care of ourselves first is what enables us to take care of one another.

How do you practice self-care? We’d love to hear from you in our comments!

Cassandra Van Dyck

Navigating Healthcare Services

When we ask caregivers what could make their caregiving journeys easier, assistance with navigating healthcare services is one of the most common responses we hear. Caregivers want to know what services are available, what’s suitable for their loved one, how these services work together, and when the best time to access them is. Essentially, they want to know how to use healthcare services to best support their loved one.

It sounds like a simple request, but navigating healthcare services can be challenging. The good news is there are lots of services out there to support your loved one, and the bad news is that sometimes you might not know about them, or if or when they’re appropriate for your spouse’s health needs. These questions can leave a lot of caregivers feeling frustrated, uncertain, and lost.

So, what can you do to ease the challenges of navigating health care services? While there’s no bullet proof answer, we have some suggestions that can greatly help.

  1. Make a list. When a question pops in to your mind, write it down, and take it with you to your loved one’s next doctor’s appointment. Write down the answers during the appointments so you don’t forget and you’re able to refer to what you’ve learned after. Doctor’s appointments can be so rushed, and it’s very common for people to leave wishing they’d asked about something that slipped their mind. Making and keeping a list can be very helpful to prevent this from happening.
  2. Do some research. Find out about the roles that different healthcare providers play so that you’re better able to direct your questions to the most helpful person. If someone has suggested an alternative therapy or some extra help such as a overnight respite or physiotherapy, spend some time reading about how those services work, and write down your questions.
  3. Ask questions. Spend some time with your loved one discussing their concerns and queries and yours, and then be prepared to ask questions. If you’re considering accessing respite services, there will likely be facility tours available to you and your care partner. If you’re connecting with a new health care provider, an intake appointment is a great time to ask any questions you might have about how their services will work with others your spouse is currently accessing. Make sure to also ask the pharmacist any questions you might have about medication interactions or potential side effects from a new prescription.

NSCR’s Caregiver Support Program is offering a free workshop all about Navigating Healthcare Services on Wednesday, January 16th 2019 from 1:30-3PM at Silver Harbour Activity Centre (144 22nd Street, N. Vancouver). The workshop will cover: home and community care, adult day programs, mental health services, residential care options, palliative care services, and preventing caregiver burnout. If you’d like to learn more about navigating the healthcare system, this is a wonderful opportunity. To register or ask questions, email Karyn: karyn.davies@nscr.bc.ca

What has helped you when it comes to navigating healthcare services with your care partner? We’d love to read your tips in our comments!

Cassandra Van Dyck

Gifts Of the Season

We’ve talked a lot on the blog about the challenges caregivers face during the holiday season: the pressure to meet expectations from family members, the struggles of including your loved one in traditions, and the grief that can wash over you when you realize that the holidays look quite different from what they once were. The beginning of January can be a time of reflection and anticipation for the coming year, and it’s important to recognise all of the beauty in your life as well as the challenges.

This is an invitation to look back on what may have been a challenging holiday season and instead of focusing on what you overcame, acknowledge the moments that made you smile or feel peaceful. Perhaps your family found a creative way of including your spouse or parent in family traditions, or you were able to connect with your loved one by talking about memories from past holidays. Maybe you shared a nourishing meal with friends or had the chance to see the joy experienced by children at the end of December.

Take some time over the next few days to sit down and make a list: what made you smile over the holidays? What nurtured you? After writing your list, reflect on how you feel now, and how you might be able to acknowledge the moments of beauty that inevitably pop up in the coming year.

What were some cherished moments from your holiday season? We’d love to hear from you in our comments.

Cassandra Van Dyck

2 Minute Pick-Me-Up for Caregivers: Triangle Breathing

Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed after a hectic holiday season? Take a few minutes for yourself today, and try out this triangle breathing meditation. Just a few moments to practice mindfulness can shift your mindset from frantic to calm.

North Van Caregivers


When you’re a caregiver, sometimes making time just to read a blog post can feel overwhelming. That’s why we’ve created a new series: The 2 Minute Pick-Me-Up, with the intention of providing caregivers with a brief break to collect their thoughts or gain some inspiration, in two minutes or less.

Today we leave you with a triangle breathing exercise. Follow the unfolding triangles, breathing in when it unfolds, and out when it closes. Just one minute of meditation can drastically change your mood.

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