‘And Now For Something Completely Different—A Balm for Those Pesky Gloom Goblins’


Ah, yes.  The Gloom Goblins are among us, making their daily unwelcome (unless you are the poet Rumi) visitations. No, you cannot just boot them out.  They are a chronic guest in your 21st century house. What you can do, however, is make friends with them, by using basic distraction tactics. Which is why I have for your weekly amusement one poem (by me, mercifully short, or short-ish), guaranteed to put a smile on your face (or at least a chuckle.) So enjoy. And I mean that sincerely. We all need a balm for those pesky Gloom Goblin visits, if only to make life more liveable.

So here it is, as promised (thankfully short) a poem by CAB.

‘Of Mice and Cats’ by CAB

(What are you? Are you a mouse, or are you a cat, in life? It helps to know where you stand, in the battlefield of life.)

The mice are now at war with the cats.

The cats are mean and tough and

Wear leather jackets.

The mice have swords and shields

(And some mice wear helmets)

Many mice have fallen.

Such are the affairs of mice and cats.

The world is comprised of two types of people:

The mice, and the cats—

And they are continuously at war with

Each other.

Curiously, the cats do not always win,

But they often do.

To the considerable sorrow & anguish

Of the mice.

Pity the mice and banish the cats,

Or teach the cats to be kind

To the mice.

Then they would co-exist

In harmony with each other.

And why not?

Stranger things have happened

After all.

My next offering is the ‘Wizarding World’ website where you can take an online quiz, free of charge, and find out which Harry Potter Hogwarts House you fit in. Yes, it’s a virtual Sorting Hat! (Recall J.K. Rowling’s famous ‘sorting hat’, that sends Harry firmly in Gryffindor and his arch enemy Draco Malfoy–incidentally, ‘malfoy’ means ‘bad faith’ in French, in sinister Slytherin.) There is a catch in that you will need to become a member of the Harry Potter Fan Club to have access to the quiz, however, I’ve not had more than one email from them in the week or so since I took the quiz, so you won’t be bombarded with emails.

Here’s the site:


I was placed in Ravenclaw, I hadn’t expected that. What about you? Were you surprized at all? Care to post a comment? Or perhaps on the Caregiver Support Program Facebook page?

À bientôt! (Until next time)


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